Wednesday, June 2, 2010

things i learned today

  1. Apparenly the letter "z" can be pronounced as "zee" or "zed."
  2. A handful of the children have began to call me "mama."
  3. I am allergic to mosquito bites, they swell and are painful.
  4. The quietest children can be the brightest of them all.
  5. Diarrhea comes in all shades, textures, and odors. 
  6. I will throw up if I every drink a cup of okra juice again. (Okra= plant similar to cabbage, Okra juice=  boiled and blended Okra + milk + sugar + cinnamon) Consistency of blended grass, Temperature: luke warm. Other fun facts, apparently this dynamite combo is an aphrodisiac.
  7. Children love to see themselves, whether it be in a photo or in the mirror.
  8. A long run clears the mind and creates space for a new perspective.
  9. You will find cow tail, chicken feet, chicken kidney and the like in the frozen meat section at the grocery store. 
  10. The organic natural anti-mosquito sprays are hoaxes. I am still being eaten alive.
  11. You can pray away menstrual cramps. I was aching all day with no medication, and when I asked the head nurse for some Tylenol, she wrapped her hands around my abdomen and lower back while shaking her hands and willing the cramps away through prayer. What do you know, 2 minutes later I was cramp free for a few hours.
  12. Two cups of tea a day breed a healthy mind and soul.
  13. Not shaving your legs is more liberating than you think. 
  14. Bright colors, glue, crayons, and fuzzy stuff makes kids smile :) 


    MaryKay said...

    Baby, try rubbing a slice of lime or lemon on the mosquito bites. As a repellent Mix pure vanilla flavoring with water, and spray on.
    Very effective, and smells good too! Love, your mama

    MaryKay said...

    You and E and doing amazing work. I am so touched and inspired and so proud of you. You both can never know the impact...your love could literally change the course of those babies lives. Thanks for all you have had to go through to be there and all the things you are doing to make life a bit more palatable for these precious little beings. Remember that only a life lived for others is worth living. Love, love love.

    yardedge said...

    Congrats Tara on great work!! I used to volunteer at Marigold years ago and the kids were delightful, and as you're showing above have lots to teach us! Keep up the good work!