Thursday, June 24, 2010

"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." Chaos Theory

Wednesday. We made tambourines, hung up the solar system and made treats for the kids. As Elin ran with Bimbola on her back for most of the afternoon, I had a DD (Dudus Discussion) with the teachers and Steve, the gardener. It has been a rich experience to hear all of the different opinions about the alleged drug lord who brought Jamaica into guerrilla warfare and caused a massacre in Tivoli Gardens. From the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill (Literally, Jamaica is naturally sloped, closest to the water is the lowest elevation), the opinions vary significantly. With word of his arrest, DD's have been flaring up across the country and internationally as well. Used to hearing fairly negative things about him, I was intrigued when I heard some workers referring to him as "the Prez", defending his good acts for the poor. Everyone has their two-cents on the situation.. as they should. Executed. Fair Trial. Life in prison. Escape and disappear. The list for where Dudus should go next goes on and on.

On a lighter note, the tambourines look festively cultural. Perfect for the youngins' to shake at the Cultural Day Fundraiser that is happening in October. The kids thoroughly enjoyed making them too. First they colored on the Styrofoam then they glued feathers and pom balls all over them. Foreseeing the feather placement on the middle part, Akheel only colored on the outside ring of his bowl. Jamani picked a solid two colors and went to town on his blank canvas's... before tearing them into little pieces fascinated by noise Styrofoam makes when it breaks apart.  And Joshua made beautiful stripes of every color on his bowl... modeling the rainbow that they learned about a couple weeks ago. To each his own right?

I love how the personalities of the children come out when they do art. The color of a feather, what seems neither here nor there to me, is vitally important to them. They not only want a feather. But a green feather. That is not stiff but soft and fuzzy. And they don't want it there, they want it there. Or if your Jamani, you want it, then you don't want it, then you want it again, then you don't.

Later in the afternoon, Tiff and Aunt Gill passed by to check out Marigold and see how they could help. I don't lie when I say they are the most handy duo you could ever run into. Both artists and business women, they have both the bark and the bite to turn Marigold upside down. haha just kidding, but really they will be of HUGE help once the kids leave. Specifically referring to the things that Elin and I have ZERO knowledge about (sanding, repairing cribs, murals etc etc etc). Noticing the wild forest of weeds festering in the backyard, Aunt Gill learned the weed wacker was broken and about how the gardener was cutting the grass manually with his machete. So Tiff and her threw the weed wacker into the trunk to be repaired. Picture me pushing the "that was easy button." (Audio and all)

Now about Elin and I. Wednesday night we were feeling an hour and a half shakti yoga session after a another fun-filled yet exhaustive day. We arrive at the studio 5 minutes too late. There were mats from wall to wall. So instead of taking advantage of the fact that we were already at the gym, we decided to go see Toy Story 3! Yoga mats included. All while enjoying sour gummy worms, butter filled popcorn, rasinets, and gummy bears. AND it was in 3D. Lucky day..I know. I could not have pictured a better night. In the middle of the movie, the film cut out, screen went black and lights came on. Elin looked fear stricken and confused. Intermission! Jamaican movie theaters, along with playing the national anthem before each movie, has a 20 minute long intermission directing you to the snack bar. Never quite realized how peculiar that is until sitting through a full movie sin intermission. Once we got home, we whipped together some fresh veggies and cabbage and made stir fry to accompany sushi and miso soup. Pure bliss.

We are living out the best summer of our lives. And relishing in every minute of it.

Thursday. If the contents on a messy t-shirt were a popular betting practice, today between the two of us we hit the trifecta: by 2:00pm we had throw up, urine, and diarrhea on our shirts. Winna winna chicken dinna! score. jackpot. Elin walked straight through the apartment doors and into her shower this afternoon.

Today Ms. Williams brought Elin and I to tears. I do not want to write out what she told those children. Or even attempt to. But I will tell you this. It was everything you would say to a group of 5-7 year olds who you might never see again. It was everything you would say to a group of 5-7 year olds who will soon have the choice of a straight road or a jagged one. It was everything you would say to a group of 5-7 year olds to make them fight to be the good guys. 40 years of raw wisdom. That is what she said to the group of 5-7 year olds that will leaving Marigold tomorrow afternoon. A group whom for all she knows, will never see again. Reality has set in. These 5 weeks have been all we have had. All we will ever had. I hope they have learned kindness, love and compassion. I hope they learned Something. Anything. One thing from me that will help them one day or make them a better person. All I can do is pray that I've made a difference. As Janeel lay fast asleep on my chest, I quietly wiped my tears into the back of her shirt.

as always,


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